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Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Delhi - The Capital City of India

New Delhi is the Capital city of India.  It is also the center of the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi.  

Prior to the year 2011,  Kolkata or Calcutta was the Capital city of India during the British regime.  But Delhi served as the political and financial center of several empires of ancient India.    In the early 1900s, a proposal was made to the British Government to shift the capital of the British Indian Empire ( India  was called like this at that time ) from Calcutta to New Delhi.  The British India Government also felt that it was easy to administer India from Delhi rather than from Calcutta which was on eastern India.

 George V who was the Emperor of India along with Queen Mary made an announcement on 12th December, 1911 that the Capital of British Indian Empire will be shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.  The foundation stone for New Delhi was laid by King George V and Queen Mary on 15th December, 1911.  

Many parts of New Delhi were planned by Sir Edwin Lutyns and Sir Herbert Baker.  Both of them were 20th century British architects.   The new Capital of India, New Delhi was named in 1927 and subsequently inaugurated on 13th February, 1931 by British India Viceroy Lord Irwin.

More Information about New Delhi

New Delhi situated along the Yamuna River, it is the youngest of several historic cities in northern India.  The New Delhi stands on west banks of Yamuna river and bounded by Uttar Pradesh on north, west and south by Haryana.  The name Delhi originated from Persian word Dahleez ( threshold or frontier ) or from the name of Mauryan king, Dhillu.   Here is some information about Delhi.

  • Area :  1483 Square Kilometers
  • Population : Around 14 millions
  • Height above sea level :  216 meters
  • 5th most populated urban area in the world
  • Languages spoken : Hindi, English, and Punjabi
  • Religions : Hindu, Sikhs, and Islam
  • Best time to visit : October to March
  • STD Code : 011
  • New Delhi is considered as cultural center of India.  The city has many historic buildings, festivals to go along with holidays as well as many religious festivals.
  • Average Temperature during Summer : 25 to 46 deg celcius
  • Temperature during Winter :  5 deg celcius to 22 deg celcius


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